Research to insight amazingly fast
AI powered workflow tool to help your organization leverage research easier, better and much faster
Find the strongest and most relevant research
Ponder searches through millions of papers using advanced machine learning and AI techniques. We find and synthesize all relevant results for you in a matter of seconds.
Collaborate in a visual mind map to build your Ponder
Interact with the research to map out a visual overview of the answers and insights you need together in teams.
Quality check the reliability and trace all sources
Ponder emphasizes transparency and traceability. Define and control what source and reliability levels you want to work with. Get help to assess reliability and strengthen your analysis.
Share your research insights
Auto-create reader-friendly version of your analysis to share with different stakeholders. Readers can adjust the language and format of the presentation to suit their preferences.
Tailor language
In Ponder you can adjust language and format to fit different preferences. For example, giving you simpler language or more details.Track engagement
See how your shared Ponders are doing; viewing numbers and format preferences give insight into how your shared analysis was received.New research alerts
As you set up Ponders, you define scopes of research interest. Ponder will continue to search and alert you if new relevant research is published.Chat with documents
Use built-in chat to “talk” with the gathered research and help you extract the insights you're looking for.Include your own PDFs
Combine external research and internal reports to create strong analyses contextualised for your specific organization.Follow the journey
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Ponder is in the works and preparing for our first development program with pilot customers. Want to know more?
We need to make it easier to leverage value from research
Companies and organizations use research for a myriad of things like product innovation, risk management, technology development, quality assurance, consulting and much more.
Today, the typical workflow is time-consuming, resource-intensive, and costly. Many don't have the know-how, and important research insights remain untapped by the organizations and societies that could gain from them.
It's a lot
There is a lot of research out there. It's hard to find what is relevant and reliable and stay updated.It's complicated
It's a complicated and technical reading. You should't need a PhD to understand what the research is actually telling you.It's slow
It requires time, skills and people to find, process and convert research to relevant insight.It doesn't get you there
Ultimately, research is about improving how we do things. Often, the final step of getting what you need to make a change is where the workflow falls short.Our socities face increasingly complex challenges and opportunities. To address these properly, both public and private sectors need to apply new and existing knowledge to create better practices and new solutions.
We have a wealth of research-based knowledge and more is published every day. The key is our ability to absorb it - getting the right knowledge to the right people, in the right way, at the right time, to make it actionable and impactful.
"In many cases, we can say that Norway does not know that Norway actually already knows what the solution might be. This is because the research and expertise are not sufficiently connected to the areas where it is needed."
Mari Sundli Tveit, Director of the Research Council of Norway